
The Morning and the Match

the cup of coffee is singular /
the glass of water is unmoved /
the great oceans of colours is late /
Corona Borealis thins as the kitchen light ignites /
the screen window halves the worlds /
one whose lines measure /
the determined weight around us /
bowing into the cement bed beneath /
one shrugging off an extended series of human ads /
from the overflowing sink staining the fallen world /
to the democratic king riding himself to gated freedom /
this one outside waiting for our stage to collapse



mouthing to who /
new new new /
forgo knew /
a well of a place /
the capital of Boston /
bricks everywhere /
settled generations ago /
long slow rail to centres /
occupying the colour green /
say something to see /
what can be said /
not an argument in sight /
sandwich boards and cardboard symbols /
glowing far from fire /
digging out one organ at a time /
take me to that new name circulating /
gargle, repeat, until the minute tires


Shore Lunch

shore rocks are for perching and pondering /
what fell off the earth today? /
its image still rippling /
towards the lake’s centre /
a fresco partially painted over /
and then thought better /
some event, small scale but religiously significant /
trust restored in the invisible world /
not to be moved until the building collapses becoming lake edge /
water eventually lifts everything /
what smoothed rocks were stadiums /
distracting a populace at critical moments? /
a beach of stones is most welcoming /
history undone /
our names stilled on the teetering shelf /
resting before the lake after toppling /
for the millionth first time


The Lasting Fly

the fly never posits why /
fly smells now and further now /
far away, not country /
but body of wealth /
rising after expiration /
live’d, in passed tense /
grammar is for those /
required to remember /
snapping around /
inside the rib’s cage /
fly lends progress /
to our material joke


Crashing to a Consensus

better to leave this air /
trusting the uneven shape of absence /
hold the abstract carefully /
don’t skip any of the instructions /
words peeled away /
for an international audience /
leaving figures naked for a name /

there are those who smell the world /
always a clean wardrobe /
to sift through the smog /

blood doesn’t come back to us /
shocked when it finds /
the path of least resistance away always /

the centre line is painted over monthly /
it’s not a crime /
if there’s a committee behind it /

yellow doesn’t speak to people anymore /
the need to spend on the middle /
always a balanced object weighting the mind /
as the nights grow taller


Line Age

when I spit /
it will be a child /
sound slicing down the street /
words may never knock /
on the promised door /
heirs leaking into the bay /
gnawing boat hulls /
and the chest’s hopeful lock /
this way two too serious /
cut to a child holding up their dusty arms to a camera lens /
they know what penetrates play /
profit over movement /
suggesting a finger in the soft skull /
please make bastards of us all /
so the sun finally fails


Inherited Will

no ever does happen /
often in cities that change their name /
weightless history, little loss where /
each child there is /
the first human on the planet /
as blank as a portable sign lot /
their place /
only a few steps onto the continent /
growing paper thin /
turned sideways /
gesturing simply in the gusts /
long winds clearing across /
the country’s bare middle /
said child unrecognized /
in the floor to ceiling mirrors /
handed down /
save a slogan /
be anything you can bet against


Child Credit

we no longer need children /
tiny unsteady signposts /
pointing /
this way /
to the future /
that neon crackled and loured /

their voices sharpening /
pitch without colour /
pointed as ice picks /
necessary to puncture compacting prospect /

worried creations /
to distract from /
registering we are we now /
where the morrow has already passed quick hands


Move Spring

the birds are birdy /
see see key key /
pecking at fabric /
between me me /
and thee head /
cant he cant he cant he he /
tick touch clock /
for for for a clik /
reemeber that see /
pick past nock that /
lik heet o feet /
riskee tip of needee /
mebirdee make hole a home


Idle Made Virtual

all who are who stand up /
shave your heads on low ceiling /
each name is a count for the register /
lose the identification that keeps birthdays rolling /
take a stand charging the calves with stimulation /
every thing buzzes each day thee day /
what is held twists like a shopping bag /
by the neck in wind winding us all upwards /
take a clear stand as close as a professional shave /
lifting the skin up for a half-second /
before the razor draws a completed line /
how to shout along side alarm, alarm, all arm /
stretching the throat on fumes /
the warm fingers of waiting says so