feel up /
through the veil /
of blue haze /
holding our feet /
below our heads /
make a case for weakening /
the bonds strapping this body /
into 1 form/
maybe several megatons at lunch /
to dissolve the deli meat /
cradling the stomach /
bring me back to a particle /
an invisible unit of energy /
blasting the dust off family photos /
there was me /
a collection of points /
walking on as one role /
detonating the asides
Author: G H
Dressing Scene
always an insect /
escaping the light /
so cold at night /
they freeze on the highway /
the rumble and whine /
of cross-country traffic /
fails to wake them /
the birch leaves tremble /
in the morning /
the breeze lifts and settles /
no real wind /
just a soft wave in the trees /
twisting everything slightly /
shifting the scene beyond us /
absent of anyone /
play on, ignoring the human wail /
the audience was always our idea /
one too busy to pay attention /
when our death is no interruption /
not even a wink from outside /
Sunday Post Noon
the cemetery is being paved over /
for an open-air penitentiary /
the prisoners should be as healthy and tanned as possible /
Mars is aggrieved /
that’s what my horoscope says /
the tea pot fills up /
like a drowning lung /
steaming rather than screaming /
reliving its last day again tomorrow /
can we seem to float, just today /
I washed the floor /
delay the spitting /
turn the traffic lights off /
set up the lawn chairs along 16th /
test those bones at the intersections /
fireworks are a sentimental reminder /
of successful wars in the suburbs /
souls exploding in the dark air /
making a show of their short lives /
see or be seen /
those are the options in this A.D. /
everyone’s their own fool /
flashing a thinned shine /
going down for another last time
Under Mine
the long and short of it is impossible /
unless history begins /
at the same time everyday /
and disappears as the din recedes /
let’s divorce /
even though we’ve never been married /
mainly for the social awkwardness /
after the pronounced fact
I forget the lines /
I assured myself last night /
I would remember /
I know who to trust going forward /
don’t get me started on the sun /
difficult to read /
keeping a safe distance /
what to fear from us ants? /
so much about love /
this one thing /
mistaken as so many different lines /
deceiving with the best intent
Bed Sides
everything happens once /
I need a hospital bed to attend to /
flattened, sanitized sheets /
to hang over my head /
a window sealed shut /
to prevent drops /
some easing into death /
some complaining about stains /
on ceiling tiles sinking overhead /
not a cross but an X on the wall /
trying to discern hall voices /
for today’s statistics /
a river and a waterfall are preferable noise /
leading to that bend /
placed in the distance /
a drop a drop a drop /
in the shared bathroom /
it wakes and it softens /
drawing the lifelong film off skin
The Morning and the Match
the cup of coffee is singular /
the glass of water is unmoved /
the great oceans of colours is late /
Corona Borealis thins as the kitchen light ignites /
the screen window halves the worlds /
one whose lines measure /
the determined weight around us /
bowing into the cement bed beneath /
one shrugging off an extended series of human ads /
from the overflowing sink staining the fallen world /
to the democratic king riding himself to gated freedom /
this one outside waiting for our stage to collapse
mouthing to who /
new new new /
forgo knew /
a well of a place /
the capital of Boston /
bricks everywhere /
settled generations ago /
long slow rail to centres /
occupying the colour green /
say something to see /
what can be said /
not an argument in sight /
sandwich boards and cardboard symbols /
glowing far from fire /
digging out one organ at a time /
take me to that new name circulating /
gargle, repeat, until the minute tires
Shore Lunch
shore rocks are for perching and pondering /
what fell off the earth today? /
its image still rippling /
towards the lake’s centre /
a fresco partially painted over /
and then thought better /
some event, small scale but religiously significant /
trust restored in the invisible world /
not to be moved until the building collapses becoming lake edge /
water eventually lifts everything /
what smoothed rocks were stadiums /
distracting a populace at critical moments? /
a beach of stones is most welcoming /
history undone /
our names stilled on the teetering shelf /
resting before the lake after toppling /
for the millionth first time
The Lasting Fly
the fly never posits why /
fly smells now and further now /
far away, not country /
but body of wealth /
rising after expiration /
live’d, in passed tense /
grammar is for those /
required to remember /
snapping around /
inside the rib’s cage /
fly lends progress /
to our material joke