
River Bends

there is no forgetting /
except plastics in the box /
contemplation born out of /
an indifferent environment /
to be everywhere is intolerable /
I make something here /
the other from the other /
there is no not setting the tree on fire /

except for the odd poet /
the lie fills every air, /
that we are not alone /
building sound on each block /
to scare migratory birds /
the spruce trees, birch trees, ashe bushes, /
moss, trilliums, quartz veins /
are not afraid of us /
they only know us /
after they are gone /

black water carries an old child /
under the trestle /
through the marine traffic allowance /
aluminum belly floats free in the lightless water /

there never was a poem on crown land /
but disregard for the considered thing /
the child makes and makes back /
fitting education for a lifelong /
quiet explosion trying to /
attract the red-winged blackbird /
humanless /
for a shared second