crumple the news into a dense ball where the sentences become illegible / that’s what burns the best / under an imprecise structure of kindling, receipts, drafts and proposals / and when the sun, at the right angle, focuses through the eye / into a blister of heat / the scaffolding pops
Category: Uncategorized
light leaks through the hole at the end of the table, sitting there expecting a full meal, it’s a subtle and exhausting effort to get it to leave, never using the backdoor, always lingering in the open door, letting in mosquitoes and sand that find their way to your feet in bed, trying to pierce callouses asleep
hold tightest reins on the green horse, perhaps already galloping in the basement, spy upon moon glaring beyond the sun, punching out stars in the bleach of night, it may be a knuckle out of place or thunder from under snow or a skipping loop of horns, roaring in repeat above the development, whatever it is, it knows the count
what does do do else? / who can is as is ing to be? / where’s once was coming next and again until, perhaps another until making then / that which sum undone adding all again til again lifts / coming to here does respokening
Lined Space
type A, really type A, space O, space space I, pause, P strikethrough even the next space, ENTER, really ENTER, what C?, typed or not, still C?, space, space, spcae, pass Delete, over Margins, RETURN if present
Bang On
all issues, ails and pressures eventually bounce off the bottom of the well / the drips down there sound like low belly chuckles / chortling in a persistent tick of rhythm / time is laughter, perpetually amused since the first big mistake / snickering even before the next one leaps
make a country out of old coupon codes, referral kickbacks, backdoor licenses, cross-network traffic, test accounts, a shimmery country in search of a body, humming its anthem, forgetting all the long words, substituting fare for fair, importing people with a click
Follow the Light
here comes an offer to inflate dimensions that hold the crowd’s attention, grander frontal lobe, quick-fire acquittals, backdoor blessings, pushing units, pin-point referrals, surpassing the previous record for bodily fluids in the streets, bobble-headed warriors, network interruptions, all things edible on cave walls
That’s a Tell
the best rage cleans the dishes by shattering them, a new flooral arrangement to cut our teeth, rearranging internal organs with each bite, fracture every unseen where the truant body lies, let’s make a giant pieced together in common areas, mowing the land with its mouth of incisors
Turning Tables
with the big vasty, the most affirmative answer is silence, debate is the luxury of distance, dive into the dirt and dig man, woman, child, all the spinning glimpses of upright gait, thought perpendicular to earth, in that darker detail, a limitless horizon waiting for all, be do