in the bed of the city /
it’s all effort to not /
get braided in each sound /
flap of movement, falling colour /
the city is an immature argument /
contorting with whim
dissolving in waves of /
projected inhale and exhale /
I keep its grave in my pocket /
unwrapped at public events /
to impress new locals /
with its growing scale
Category: Uncategorized
Parts Included
all things lost anywhere /
that’s the ad verbatim /
plus an incomplete phone number /
don’t expect it to be so easy /
give over or under /
the bellies and intestines /
moving with one’s history /
just try keep the colon back in third grade /
it continues learning /
despite being bookless /
hoarding its layered knowledge /
for a sunday surprise
Approximate Height
it is merely a door /
white frame through which /
the grand abstract enters /
never enough chairs to /
seat a fathomless girth /
little weight, all filler /
swelling into greasy angles of the kitchen /
difficult to determine /
which hand to shake /
thousands extending, contracting /
windmilling, tangled in the clothesline /
shouting in the bathroom /
at multiple reflections /
failing to recognize last year’s fashion choices
Punched Line
laughter is expired air /
a spittle phlegm bit /
wasting breath on points /
that should rather be stabbed /
left to distract oneself /
the petals curdle /
fold up into the ribcage /
humour is bone grinding bone /
only a flash of teeth /
releasing distant space /
such blackhole /
born as an infinite chuckle
come tree /
move move motion /
add bruises to leaf litter /
if you can /
make the way /
can it be final? /
across the street /
dent my arms /
with upper limb chip /
should I remove others for you? /
bend their names /
to mine
poetry never fails /
often it may not accomplish /
but it never fails /
the skeleton of saying /
laid bare not barren /
what is the curse /
is the alignment /
from tip to foot /
how far can /
the rest spread out/
into traffic
A Reception to Follow the Service
how do they do what they do? /
nary a curious glimpse of the grinding of spheres /
simply pushing blood against gravity /
that throb is one-two, one-two /
until three is introduced as the deflating integer /
pressing lived details back into wormless ground /
may a mite invade your dry stomach /
and push a few particles out into the earthen flow /
to sway the head of a daisy /
but once against the dominant breeze
Day Off Things
no specifics today /
though lungs will have a fit /
without each oxygen molecule /
miles removed /
always arriving /
taste notes of that rolling deferral /
in the coffee, stripped /
ongoing unscheduled appointments /
with the other things /
in how was it?, deleted /
the rain’s blemish is gone, see? /
no drops, no reflection in the ground /
the one awful holiday /
to be everywhere /
as measurements unravel /
within the glossy frame
Late Invitation
awkward sun /
tripping over the earth’s edge /
too slow today /
to light the gravel for 16 ton trucks /
where were you /
when children fell down the chimney /
on christmas eve? /
when ice crawled forward /
on the new year shores of the superior? /
when the bedroom had no walls /
just starless space unwound /
today is ready /
flattening on the dewed grass
A Nation of One
too much assumed in the bone /
pouts the parade banners higher /
or twists the tap on a common gleam /
point the teeth towards the door /
banged with fist and sprayed with seem /
the flag is light as soaked paper /
and dry as spoiled ink /
stuff it in the pores /
to hide the air