
That’s a Tell

the best rage cleans the dishes by shattering them, a new flooral arrangement to cut our teeth, rearranging internal organs with each bite, fracture every unseen where the truant body lies, let’s make a giant pieced together in common areas, mowing the land with its mouth of incisors


Turning Tables

with the big vasty, the most affirmative answer is silence, debate is the luxury of distance, dive into the dirt and dig man, woman, child, all the spinning glimpses of upright gait, thought perpendicular to earth, in that darker detail, a limitless horizon waiting for all, be do


The Fridge on the Lawn

a magpie cracks its throat outside the window / a northwest wind lifts under the snow upsetting the formality of a blanket white / it is chilly every day in hell since the landlord left for a better role / the weather never gets here though an unexpected phrase may nip at what is known



there is a pin hole growing larger hanging over the beige houses, soon to be seen through once the image on the other side takes in our reflection, a near-mirror without inversion and faces over our own, bent light coming to stake its claim over this insulated dominion



the old daylight crawls through the window, trying to sneak past locks and codes to curl up in the bed and imagine sleep, dinner tastes like dust, the stove glows red, heatless but raging over lightning strikes in the distance, objects do not dance, they tumble, listening only to gravity


Apollo Landing

beauty evaporates gravity, sending all the kitchen utensils, carpentry hardware, medical instruments into the air, its true aim to dissemble this body as well, every pointy thing floating, undirected, drifting towards soft limbs, waiting for an argument


Below Level

write everywhere, especially where there is uneven ground, like a constrictor pushing the catch through its length, force script into the land, driving across basements, bunkers, cellars, pillars, eating the earth whole, mouth by mouth


Material Cut

one thing adds up / so do words depending upon the container / sickly yellow styrofoam for ironic appeal / don’t mistake the package for the food / thing in the air, thing in the road, thing in the car, thing in the word / lacking breath, thing sneaks out of mouth


Boundary Trees

toe to the world / patent pending 11th finger twirling tinsel / brown-eyed penny rolling towards circulation / rainbow tacks pointing towards the heavens / all shiny things for the gut / shiny has a prick / swallowing such every day in missed thought / blazing down the throat


My Horns

more talk of the devil please / dust off the second chair and pull it up tight / use words already used in a comfortable conversation about the better way back when pedestals and thrones kept the horizon / compare fingerprints and the same things touched through many mirrored lives