

as always pull the wall from the frame /
heighten and obscure the holes that are joints /
arching light between rotating flesh /
say it’s credible though opinion spreads away from the centre /
the gift is speaking our own language regardless of the spelling /
bent bone treated by torch light on the lawn /
sleep in on tuesday when the human lull /
is most obvious to idlers massaging the word


Second Notice

leave your cells for another day /
tally them falling asleep as rain knocks on the ceiling /
here, here, here, here ones insist /
recognized by the distance between 2 and 1 /
this body is a handful /
broken, treated by acts of subtraction /
slowing down for that last 1 /
counted after we are gone


invite for thousands

tree, tree, tree, tree, tree /
spelling b for short hauls /
monkey wrench ankle bracelet /
sum of menu in a glass /
controlled synapse fire /
smokers for hire /
will meat or exceed expectations /
lies down on the job pile up /
drink away your problem children /
sunshine tequila shakes long shadows /
evening wears you down well


BB ∞/∞/∞

I forgot the flesh /
decades old blossom /
bowing in the front window /
still rippling from that heated pebble /
dropped fifty years ago /
can I be eaten even now? /
transformed and plated /
even an afterlife /
as ripe fruit compost /
or rather as a waiting stale burp /
under the lip /
of skin over bone


Arms Fell Asleep

sleep for everyone /
a millennia of rest and absence /
from the waking history that is /
a communal closed-eye effort /
slumber through fires murmuring /
in the streets every day /
spreading their singe in weeded neighbourhoods /
lay a head perpendicular to the rising effort /
to make rest a gated attraction only


Nap at the End of the Century

there is a tired message on the recording /
clicking the seconds off /
tooth on tooth /
unwinding the day’s length /
shut down eyes /
so they are only bulges below skin /
sleep soundly /
not waking up to any language


Pressing Clouds

how to tell the difference /
between rain and the rain /
one is many and /
one is many one /
a rare errand to count them all after falling /
still spotting where each drop burst /
to know where every thing is lost /
one by one accumulating /
is how to receive rain /
and the unexpected knocks on all doors


Pin the Hole

almost like eyes /
thumbholes in fresh dough /
baked onto the skull /
all is light rejecting the surface /
no more common sight /
rename particles allowed to enter the retina /
a sun in a marshy ditch thrums /
thin, tremolo strings illuminate bands of earth /
each a different thread /
of colours, shades, textures /
shaping a unique scape around


Pour La Fin

to want means the end of this world /
the colour, the sound, the scent /
tucked up under the wing /
and dropped in the night sea /
where dark water is up and down /
filling the sky and weighting the land /
the head always arched up /
looking for waves of light /
and the blue where we walk


Insurance Claimed

marry this handful of water /
dripping daily from the eavestrough /
plotting its stain on the morning ceiling /
the sky is the oldest splatter /
spreading beyond any simple gesture to contain /
place a hand along the table’s edge /
fleshy dam stopping up the flow /
from being lost along another named street