
Delayed Screening

the dead don’t stick around for the credits /
they know indebtedness ends /
in a thin flash of late evening light /
stumbling down the stairs /
a monologue in need of captioning /
the dead leave the movie early /
deciding the production does not serve the story /
sticking their hands in the projector’s beam /
stealing the crucial image that ties the plot together /
writing their reviews on cigarette-stained windows /
spoiling the prequel already in production


In Characters

to the letter /
as if anything else is possible /
even blackholes have names /
shout into the wind /
try to surprise it in this time /
described as a peak amongst peaks /
it will fill your mouth with /
something you don’t know /
space with shape /
not a line anywhere /
how to get from A to B? /
cleave the tongue


Backed Up Plan

here comes the other planet /
just on time /
pulling up tight to the curb /
its rivers, a flowing smirk /
clouds hiding volcanic eyes /
it know us, our cascading needs /
our heavy foot on narrow necks /
and doesn’t attempt to wave /
as it leaves us in our own exhaust



a screed /
a screed /
scream the crows /
having perched over /
the shoulder /
of every aspirant


Drive Us Thru

enough humans /
time to exit in an ordered manner /
less weight is needed in space /
to find air above the horizon only here /
other bodies have yet to discover /
our peculiar touch /
for consuming whole ideas /
in a white flour dough /
all at once /
as one stomach across the globe /
every abstract becomes a meal /
sinking flat feet further /
in the matter of opinion


Indefinite Series

12, she is 2 /
half of nearly /
dozening the morning lull /
a calendar of 5s /
all weeks’ end /
celebrating on ¾ hour /
oddly even despite /
doubling in sizing up /
where 1? /
that paid for counting /
relative numbers /
multiplying in squared footage /
along the port’s divisions /
keep subtracting from 0 /
until the sum is an outline /
holding decreasing air /
generations in the negative column /
adding to the absence /
in inflated margins /
write off


Threatened Species

okay, let’s puncture this ark /
drive a self-sharpened awl through the hull /
one defined puncture to spread the verb /
through thousands of gallons of licked force /
trawling land 10 metres high with gulfing transparency /
not like walking through air this saying /
it brings density to a stroll /
washing a species off the table mat /
leaving room for a new scrawled outline /
to scroll this earth



the faded angle lies on its side /
obscured in the growing easement /
digested now as a last resort /
after locating consciousness on warmed concrete /
the days are too thinly bright /
for thick shades of stain /
that holds itself in the air /
with a recognizable weight /
over thumbed heads /
a point positioned to slab continents /
now leaning against loosestrife /
at the culvert’s 0


Turn Write

few clues today in the river /
even film over the eye has a tidal pull /
refracting the definite outline of punctuation /
so the mark is missed and aim falls short of placing the period /
at an end that would move the planet /
and sear a line into the day’s horizon /
for generations to pause and take photos of proof /
that a river was punctured twice in the same place of sound and saying /
and the continent creaked for a second /
as the common day was pulled away /
from scouring the streets under its course


4/4 time

the gun makes a sound /
people make a sound /
rapids make a sound /
continuous with slight changes in posture /
the gun pings off large glass buildings /
zagging up into sky and cloud /
people issue laterally at a slight angle raised /
trying to clip heads across the street /
all tones in their unformed instruments /
drawing worlds into a contracted gob